
Geeta Chopra
Counseling Psychologist

Geeta Chopra is a professional counseling psychologist for over two decades with a learned background from Landmark Education, Parwarish institute of Parenting, and Expressions India. She counts her spiritual background from the Isha Foundation's Inner Engineering Program. She is a life coach, women's Independence coach, and guidance counselor. She has the expertise of being a resource person in correspondence with the ICSI, HealthSetgo Pvt. Ltd., a life coach with Kohal, and a trainer at Footprints Childcare Pvt. Ltd.

Living her empowerment, she has founded her very own GC MAGIC, where the menu serves people and women, specifically, the delicacies of how to deal with procrastination, fear of failure, relationship issues, lack of confidence, work-life balance, and career changes. "Live a life of your choice", is her go-to line. All-in- all, it is a one-stop destination if you desire to feel the power of self-empowerment.

Churning through the wisdom she has gained, over the decade, she has excelled as a counselor, public speaker, coach, and trainer. Geeta Chopra has gifted this world by authoring her book Personality Theory and Assessment for MA Psychology Students

Her brand GC MAGIC, in the heart, portrays the definitions to fulfill, which propounds its unique selling point as a human being purposeful, passionate, clear, and empowered in life. At GC MAGIC, the focus never diverts from the goal of human development and without partiality, teaches to envision all lives as equally important.


Special importance has been offered to women who lack confidence in life or have been through hard times. Geeta Chopra has called it the "Awaken The Queen Within program at GC MAGIC. Hundreds to a thousand women have experienced a boost in work-life balance, pessimism, and confidence, and have gained purpose and meaning in their life since attending the program. Geeta Chopra does miracles when it comes to carving out values into these women's lives. Women who attended her "Awaken The Queen Within" program at GC MAGIC not only become knowledgeable about their personal struggles but how it is related to political and economic issues too.